Wednesday, 30 June 2010

STYLIST MAGAZINE - Rob Ryan Front Cover Design

When walking to work this morning I came across the lovely...and 'lets go have a picnic' Stylist Magazine with the front cover designed by the amazing Rob Ryan.

His work is so poetic and reveals a story using visual imagery that looks equally beautiful and delicate!

Make sure you pick up yours today!

Rob Ryan :

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Creative people are just high functioning schizophrenics

New research shows a possible explanation for the link between mental health and creativity. By studying receptors in the brain, researchers at Karolinska Institute have managed to show that the dopamine system in healthy, highly creative people is similar in some respects to that seen in people with schizophrenia.


Whilst being on placement I have been researching various things to do with packaging and sachet design - these are some of the highlights!

Images are from various internet sources.

Monday, 28 June 2010

DNA Show After Party!

What a celebration - free wine at the show and even more booze behind the bar at Common, a great way to celebrate our marks and the end of the three years together !!!

The Manchester School of Art Degree Show

Private View 18th June 2010
Exhibition 19 - 25th June 2010

The end has finally come on my three years at MMU - a wonderful and memorable evening with great people and friends.

It was a huge success and it was great to spend the evening knowing that all the hard work had paid off! The publication/alcohol/show looked amazing and I am proud to have been on a fantastic course and shared with equally impressive peers.

Well done everyone!

Our website:


“One sometimes learns more from a lost race than a victory.”

So criticism is often more useful than praise.
And we define ourselves by how open we are to learning and growing.
Lazy people don’t want to grow.
They just want to be told what they’re doing is right.
They’re happy to just stay on the rung they’re on.
People who are good, want to grow.
They want to get off this rung and onto the next rung.
They want to get all the way up the ladder.
So they’re not looking for praise, they’re looking for criticism.
As Eric Clapton said, “If you’re any good at all, you know you can be better.”

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

DNA - Designers Northern Alliance



Join us for a drink and view the best graduate talent in Advertising, Illustration, Digital and Graphic Design from Universities in the North.

Seven Universities from across the North have teamed up with the region’s top
design agencies to form the first annual DNA two-day event, designed to develop closer links and share best practice.

The event is being organised by contributors from the University of Salford, University of Chester, Manchester Metropolitan University, UCLAN, Liverpool John Moores University, North Wales and Huddersfield, in collaboration with over 40 design agencies from across the region.

The event will also include a series of keynote speakers from industry,
roundtable discussions, a question and answer forum and portfolio surgeries for students.

To register your attendance at the event, please visit

look forward to seeing you there!

DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY : Research/Inspiration Book

"Design is a way of life.

But with it comes roles and responsibilities.

Design responsibility is something that each emerging designer should question - before working on projects, and when deciding which company to work for.

It takes the form not only of ethical responsibilities but also environmental.

What I have learnt through research and investigation is that design responsibility should be a call to action. We are in a position whereby the message we give out has an underlying impact on the rest of society and although design is visually aesthetic the communication should contain values.

This publication aims to educate and inform young designers to respect and appreciate the world of design, through a collectable poster series that graphically represent more than just a message. I hope to encourage greater understanding of the fundamental values and relevance of design to business and society.

Design Responsibility. You Decide."

My response and output for my current project I have just completed.

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