Tuesday, 21 December 2010


A Lady indeed!!
This one of a kind exhibition at the Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm was a true delight!
Some background on the exhibition;

"It´s 1981. Andy Warhol is to be 53 years old later in the summer. He and his old friend Christopher Makos visits an elegant wig shop in the 57th Street. The two friends heads off to the photo studio with eight wigs. 48 intense hours and 349 images later the result – Lady Warhol – is completed.

”Andy and I were relaxed enough to let his grace and his awkwardness show. I see in these images openness and vulnerability and Andy’s need to express himself. These were parts of Andy that he rarely exposed in public, but I remember them well.” explains Makos.
Magnus Naddermier"

The superb essence captured within the images is so unique, and portrays Warhol in a completely different manner - a softer secret emerging. The stunning photography and art direction drives the images further and allows the mind to wonder.

See more info here.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

A visit to Hyper Island, Stockholm.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of going to visit Hyper Island - somewhere I had wanted to visit since learning more about the opportunities available and the amazing career paths that would open doors in the creative industry.

I organised to meet with a current student and the recruitment manager whom made my stay even more pleasant - I seemed to fit right in and became one of the students (something very similar to uni life) and it felt really good! The atmosphere was busy as they all had strict deadlines, but the working environment was more like agency life than university and it was interesting just to listen, offer my advice and be consumed by it all.

In the images you will see the three different courses on this floor; E-commerce, Interactive Art Director and Digital Motion.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself - a totally new experience and one that I may consider with the new school opening in Manchester, which is an incredible opportunity for professionals and students in this industry!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Hyper Island in Manchester ... Yes Please !

I regularly update myself with news from Hyper Island, as I have been keen to visit the school in Sweden. This nice surprise of it locating in Manchester's Northern Quarter was a treat! The school operates a program developed by the US Military in 1960s which required leadership skills and life/death decision making.

"The programme's creators realised that the leadership and communication skills were the best way to train personnel for the rapidly changing environment in which they found themselves."

It sounds exciting, with 92% of graduates getting a job before they've finished school - sounds more impressive than ever as it widely recognised across the creative industry.

I am visiting Sweden at the end of this week and I hope to meet the fabulous David McCall, this will definitely be a talking point not to be missed! Just hope he is free ...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

A Visual Treat !

Exactly that.
A Visual Treat.
Truly Magical.



Present and Correct

Present and Correct - should bring all the happiness and joy to every office in the world - their bespoke goods and vintage products are designed to bring a smile to mind and influence all ages.
The website is particularly user friendly - nice icons (right-hand side) navigate you through the pages and information, whilst the style is simple and easy going - something which reflects P&C's nature.

"Since 2003, when we were not being graphic designers, we have been cutting and pasting from our front room in London. Making paper goods and selling them far and wide. It reminded us of being small; sticking tin foil to cereal cartons and the dog, but hopefully with more professional results.

A long-term obsession with stationery has culminated in a constantly evolving store. A selection of P&C products mixed up with handmade goods, vintage items and work by designers from all over the world.

Sourced from Seoul or picked up on the bus from Peckham: we hope that our designs, and finds, bring some fun to your desks, walls, friends and children. It might spark a distant memory, make you smile or look at the most mundane in a new, and fonder, light."

There are some lovely inspirational finds - you must take a look! I in particular love 'the office in a jar' - something we all could do with!!

P&C - http://www.presentandcorrect.com/index.php

Who's Blushing ?

Certainly not me .. But Blush Publishing was recommended to me by a friend and their work is just oh so beautiful. Such attentive detail and accuracy (see the bottom image - a business card design) throughout their extensive range - the quality and design seem to be irresistible and although it is not a local printers I would definitely keep them in mind.
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