Steve Jobs once said "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" and I am proud to celebrate this early advertising campaign with a new food creation ~
FAT or Fiction!
This stunningly simple creation - guides the consumer through their most delicious treats - beautifully breaking down the nutritional information, so we can see in full glory the hidden calories, fats and sugars. What may worry most people - and what now covers all of our food packaging is the health impact of what we consume. However, most of this packaging information lacks the engaging aspect of informing consumers
what's really in their food!
But now -
FAT or Fiction has decoded this information in the most artistic & decorative manner.
Anna Brooks,
Christina Winkles and
David Rosser are the creators behind this magical creation - a collaboration of design, technology and teaching.
I have included some images but I would highly recommend visiting the site and
exploring for yourself, the photography and composition of how you interact is something I've not seen before - as information graphics go there is plenty out there but for me this is a perfect example of information broken down, applied and consumer friendly. With a simple well designed interface that is uber mouth-watering !!
See more for your self
here -
images courtesy of FAT or Fiction.